Sunday, June 26, 2005

Online Dating-One Rack's Perspective

I moved to CT about a year and a half ago all by my lonesome, well except for my furry boys. Everyone else that moved down here had someone, either a husband and kids or a boyfriend or a roommate. But not me, no sirree, I moved down, bought my own house and well, here we are.

So, here I was all alone in my house with my dogs and my family was about 2 hours away. I was lonely and I visited them often. I happened to be visiting around the holidays when I went to a Christmas party with my brother and my sister in law at their neighbor's house. Their neighbor suggested that I join Jdate and well, let's just say it's all been downhill from there.

I joined Jdate in December of 2003 and I ventured into their Lobby, which is one of their chat rooms, and this is where I stayed for about a year and a half. I've met tons of awesome people online and a few in person and I've met far more losers.

Now I did put pictures up of myself online so that people could see what I looked like. I did not post provocative nor did I post any full length ones. In other words, I did not post my rack for the entire world to see.

However, the lack of rackiness did not prevent men from instant messaging me and asking to see my rack on my webcam. But the requests didn't stop there, oh no. I had men messaging me asking me if I wanted their bananas shoved down my knickers. I had one man who contacted me and told me how he wanted to mount me. Yes, he really did say that. I guess hiding behind a computer gives you balls the size of rhinoceros.

Well, after sifting through all of the losers, I made some wonderful female and male friends that I keep in touch with daily. I did date a couple of the losers, but there's not much to say about them. However, all was not lost when I met a very nice man. But that's all I have to say about that and perhaps you will read about him in another post.

I know I haven't put the most positive spin on my whole online dating adventure, but I wouldn't trade the friends that I've made for anything in the world, not even the $24.95 a month fee for the last year a half that I spent in making these friends.


Blogger Trouble said...

Darling Fi: getting to meet you and Pips and Livah was well worth the agony and irritation of online dating. Have I told you about my first date that featured a corpse and a hooker?

5:45 PM


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