Sunday, July 17, 2005

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves!!! I know that we all have them. Luckily this is my blog and I get to tell you about mine. But you may feel free to leave some of yours in the comments section.

I have a few pet peeves, like someone who says they're going to call you and then they don't, and also people that will put their friends down when they are in a group because they think that they are being funny or it makes them feel better about themselves.

One of my biggest pet peeves, people who hum. People who hum in the bathroom, in the grocery store and the one place that drives me mad, right behind me in my freaking ear when I'm standing in line. There is no escape when you're in line.

Today I was at the grocery store in line at the deli, when this woman gets in line behind me wearing what appears to be an autographed Eddie Money t-shirt starts humming. It made me insane, I actually flirted with the idea of smashing her face into the deli counter. Was that wrong? Of course I didn't lay a finger on her, I just kept yelling "SHUT UP" mentally until I gave myself a headache.

Now, when I'm trapped in the car with my mother, she hums. I yell at her, she thinks that it is funny, and she does it even more and much louder because she knows that she is making me nuts. Because I love my mother, I don't envision myself beating her senseless and I don't yell at her. I just glare at her while she hums, then she starts laughing. Then I start laughing because even though she drives me crazy, she does still crack me up with the things that she does. I think I will save her for another post.

I think that I have ranted enough. What are some of your pet peeves? Come on now, don't be shy.


Blogger Trouble said...

Knuckle-cracking drives me right up a tree. That sickening sound ranks right up there with gum-snapping and loogie-hocking, but my biggest pet peeve of all time is people blowing their nose at the table in restaurants.

Love your graphic, by the way: it's the perfect representation of what you'd LIKE to do, when peeved.

6:33 PM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

I can't stand people having long winded, LOUD conversations on their cell phones in a restaurant. It's so rude!

Not a big fan of people chewing with their mouth open neither...

4:58 AM

Blogger marty said...

OK Leave, Marty to the rescue. Next time someone is in back of you on line humming, pull out your cellphone, and start having a loud conversation about how you just ate Mexican food. Explain loudly, that this Mexican food is causing you to fart uncontrollably. I'm pretty sure not only will that person stop humming but no one w/b standing behind you anymore.

In addition, it works well to combat loud cell phone usage as the people talking will move away from you.

6:14 PM

Blogger Kaia said...

Velcro wallets, black sneakers, jeans and sneakers, people who are cheap, humming or whistling through your teeth, having to be nice to people i can't stand...the list goes on...

God there are so many people i want to take a mallet to.

11:58 AM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

Hey TJ-perhaps for you I should have asked what doesn't piss you off. LOL.

4:26 PM


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