Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Commericals Take 2

I can't believe that I forgot to mention the Sharpie mini commerical. The best commercial that just makes me laugh. It's the one where the kid is coloring in the bumper of a car and then he gets back into the Driver's Ed car and the instruction has all the Sharpie Mini's hanging off of the rearview mirror. Then the kid backs up and hits a blue car and the instructor grabs the blue marker. I think that it's the look on the instructor's face that makes this commercial so damn funny.

Anyway, that one just makes me laugh every time.

Oh yeah, the other one that I really enjoy, and then I'm done I swear, is the Camry $199 a month Leash. The one where the dog tells his owner about the great Leash on the Camry. The owner laughs and says Lease, and the dog says, OHHHHHHHH. That's some good stuff.


Blogger Boogie said...

That Toyota commercial's a pisser, but my recent all-time favorite is the Aflac commercial where the duck is in the pool with the water-ballet team. As he goes up for a leap, he sings out "Aaaaafllllaaaaac" -- I lose it every time.

The Little Caesar's ad (Pizza Pizza) where the man has taught his dogs to say "I love you" induces me to beyond the laughter stage.

And my favorite SNL (fake) commercial is Telly Sevalas's Players With Yourself Club (where all the movies are fast-forwarded to the good parts and they provide all the tissue you'll need -- and he's talkin' two-ply, baby!).

I think I watch a little too much TV ;)

11:35 PM

Blogger Trouble said...

I love the Capital One commercial, not for David Spade, who is the epitome of ick, but for the chubby guy in the yellow shirt, who screams like girl and does some cubicle hurdling, all for my amusement.

3:59 PM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

OMG I LOVE THAT CAPITAL ONE commercial!! I love when the guy screams and runs for his life. I love him.

4:11 PM


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