No Consideration!!!!

I love my dogs, so I do various things to protect them, such as, not letting them run loose so that they don't get lost or worse, hit by a car. I have ID tags on them so that if they did wander off they can be returned. I keep their shots up to date. I bathe them.
My neighbor on the other hand is not so dilligent. My neighbor had this big vicious mutt thing that was out of control. I went away for a week and when I came back the ginormous dog was gone and there was a husky puppy in its place. While this puppy is very cute, it is very obnoxious.
My neighbor lets this puppy run lose, probably not a smart idea since they live closer to the street than any of us. So this puppy likes to come into my yard when I'm walking my dogs. And my poor dogs would like nothing more than to chase the puppy out of their yard. But alas, being a proper pet owner, I keep them leashed. All they can do is lunge and choke themselves and bark their heads off. This has happened on numerous occasions. Now when the female bitch neighbor comes over, she gives me a dirty look like it's my fault that her puppy is in my yard. She doesn't even apologize. So when she's walking away, I always yell, "No problem, don't even worry about it." She usually looks back and gives me a death look. When the male neighbor comes over he apologizes. I always smile and say "It's quite alright."
So last night, I bring the dogs outside and Blaise the inconsiderate puppy comes running up to us. This time he gets close enough to sniff my dogs. Meanwhile, my dogs are freaking out, barking growling, I got the feeling that they're not fond of Blaise. Then Blaise did the ultimate no no, he sniffed me. Zeke got extremely angry and attacked Blaise. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Zeke is crippled and when I gave a good yank, he fell into a sit position. This allowed Blaise to turn his attention to Smokey who was happily sniffing Blaise's butt. Anyway, no one was hurt in the incident. But my male neighbor came over and said to me, "We're trying to teach him to stay in the yard." To which I replied, "You're not doing a very good job."
I have no patience for inconsiderate people and these people are so inconsiderate.
First of all your dogs are adorable!
Second of all, inconsiderate dog owners drive me bonkers. I see a zillion of them in nyc. The poor dogs are only doing what they know. It's the freaking owners that should be horse whipped. My current "favorite" are owners who leave their dogs tied outside starbucks in 100 degree temps as they are sucking down their iced latte. I usually wait by the dog staring death rays in the store until they come out. Most have the grace to look embarassed. As they should damn it!
As you can see this is a subject close to my heart lol.
6:25 PM
I am like you - a good dog owner who keeps her dog properly cordoned off. I have a neighbor who found a stray puppy and brought it home till he could find a new owner (very sweet, yes). Well, the moron comes over and drops the puppy into my yard with my PIT BULL and of course my dog goes after this little poor little thing. No one got hurt because my dog is well trained and came to me when called, but really, what kind of moron are you to put a dog anywhere with a dog whose temperment you do not know?
I too have a big rack. Its fun, no?
6:44 PM
Poor doggies. Imagine having to be saddled with annoying, irresponsible, and colossally stupid "owners".
Here's my poor doggie story:
I had a Chihuahua named Mr. Weeny.
[pause for snorking and laughter]
Without a doubt the best, smartest, most loving dog I've ever had, and I loved him.
I went out on a date. My mom agreed to puppy-sit. He was barking at the door to her yard (she lives on a vast ranch in Colorado) so she let him out. At night.
Weeny didn't bark to go out when he needed to crap. He would gently paw my foot to alert me to that need.
I come home. Where's Weeny? Oh, he must be around here somewhere. Weeny doesn't like Mom, so I'm not surprised he's somewhere else. I search high and low, calling "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeny!"
The next morning, I find my poor dog out in the field. Some dickcheese had left his two Rottweilers off their leash and those bastards murdered Mr. Weeny.
The dickcheese in question just scoffed at the idea he'd done anything wrong. "It's just a Chihuahua," he says.
3:57 PM
I think you should arrange to put Blaise's owners on leashes and try reasoning w/Blaise. That might be more productive than dealing w/the owners.
Also, you can bring your dogs over to sniff the neighbor's asses.
I think this should work perfectly to resolve the problem.
4:00 PM
I like the idea of putting the owners on a leash, or perhaps an electronic collar that will zap them every time their dog leaves the yard. I don't want my dogs to hurt Blaise or for him to hurt them (he probably will be a big dog). I don't think any of these dogs should suffer because of my neighbors' stupidity.
11:17 AM
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