Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm Back

It's been awhile since my last post. I'm sorry about that. I think that it's been too long and that no one will even check my blog anymore. Probably just as well, I don't think that this post will be all that exciting. I'm just not feeling the blog tonight.

Anyway, it's been awhile because first I was on vacation and then I've been crazy busy since I came home. I've been cleaning and trying not to kill my dog who is driving me crazy. I also had a horrific outbreak of hives last night which forced me to take some Benadryl and then pass out.

So, tonight we had a retirement party where I work for this woman who retired today. Now, the first thing that you should know is that no one retires from my company, they work there for many years and then they get new jobs and eventually retire from another company. So, she's like one of the very, very few that is actually retiring.

With that said, you would think they would throw a party or something for her. But no. Her boss came to me and my boss and asked us to help plan the party. What he really meant was, can she and I plan the entire thing, which we did. He was in charge of buying the cake and the decorations. He got the cake. Oh and the budget was $100. This woman has been there 16 years and this is what she got.

So, today at 4 p.m. (the party was at 5) my boss and I are hanging handmade signs and decorations so that this woman had something. A few people showed up, some only came to grab food and then ran out and didn't even wish her well. Oh and the gifts had to come from our own pockets because the company wouldn't buy her anything and we couldn't ask people to contribute to a gift via email. What a mess. Anyway, we managed to pull it off and she was just so happy to have a little gathering and it was fun. I'm just really irritated that we couldn't splurge a little bit and do something nice for this woman.

I'm also pissed off that I was asked to HELP plan this party, yet my boss and I did all the work and we're the ones who felt bad that it wasn't going to be a nice party. But she had a good time and was thrilled to have the gathering and for that I am really glad. Afterall, when all is said and done, it was all about her and what made her last day a little more special and this definitely did.


Blogger Trouble said...

Holy "Office Space", Batman.

My darling Dirty Racktini, you need to dust off that fine resume and get yourself a new job.

Stunning thoughtlessness like that displayed by your company is a sign you deserve better and should run from there like your ass hair is on fire.

sooooooooooooooo much love to you, and all the support and friendship you can handle, baby.

6:00 PM

Blogger marty said...

Sometimes, I wonder if being cheap is an art form?

Is it a sport? Should it be an Olympic event?

When I leave my job, I want it catered by McDonald's w/each person allocated one McNugget. I want to plan it myself so it w/b the cheapest chintziest farewell party ever.

6:41 PM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

What a sweetie you are Filo - but of course I already knew that! That was really nice of you to help organize the party and I'm sure the woman appreciated it.

I hate cheap people - they suck.

Welcome back, I missed you!!!

5:43 PM


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