PMS Strikes Back

As if it's not enough that I'm already pissy. My puppy won't stop barking at me or at Smokey. He wants to play with us and I just want to rest. I have PMS cramps, which suck. They suck big fat hairy ass.
Anyway, some loser contacted me on the dating site. He claims to be a writing professor meanwhile his grammar sucks and his spelling is atrocious. Anyway, he keeps talking to me like I'm a moron. He sent me an email telling me all the same shit he told me in an IM, then told me that I could respond to the message by pressing the reply key. I think that the dogs could see the steam coming out of my ears when I read the message. Oh and he also told me that he hates to write even though he is a writing professor.
Let me share with you my exact message:
"Hi Doug-
I'm fine thanks. I know how to work my email, you do not need to give me instructions like I'm some kind of moron. I also find it impossible to believe that you are a professor of writing since you spell most of the words wrong and your grammar sucks.
No you may not call me and please don't write me again, just push the delete key and delete my information."
Was that too harsh? Come on, you can be honest, I am too worn out to travel to you and rip your arms off and beat you with them. I promise.
LMAO! That reply rocked and I hope you blocked him so he can no longer irritate you.
12:08 PM
LOL! That was not harsh, it was GUH-REAT! Though, if he is as stupid as he sounds, you'd have been talking to a brick wall, but never mind, you said what you had to say anyway!
10:56 AM
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