I Survived!!!

I spent the entire day here (see above) with my mother not to mention the car ride down and back and I'm proud to say that we're both still alive.
I took Smokey back to my old Vet's office in CT for his dental work. I was told by my new vet that he needed a dental and that it would cost about $600 and that he would need 3 teeth extracted. I took him to CT and they did the dental and determined that no teeth would need to be extracted and it cost me $156. I also had Rocky microchipped while we were there and that cost $30, up here in NH it costs $75.
We dropped the dogs off at the vet's at about 9:30 this morning after driving an hour and a half to get there, then we continued 15 minutes down the highway and went to Foxwoods. I lost $50, my mom just about broke even. She treated me to lunch and ice cream. I love my mom.
We picked up the dogs around 4pm and then headed home, which took about 2 hours with some light traffic, actually it was an accident, other than that, there was no traffic. On the way home, the University that I applied to contacted me to let me know that I had been accepted. Woo hoo, go me. I then went out to dinner with my mom to celebrate.
Smokey is doing very well after having been put under. He was a little dopey when I picked him up and pretty much passed out all the way home. In fact he's passed out now too. Rocky is pretty tired as well.
Rocky started his puppy class on Sunday. He was the only one that participated. There was a 9 week old, 2 lb Papillion that slept through the entire class and then there was a Boston Terrier that hid under the chair and shook the whole time. Rocky was active and vocal and he just wanted to play. He caught on fairly quickly to the clicker that we will be using for training. So it was good. We got some free samples. After class I took Rocky over to see my niece because according to her, she loves him so very very much and really really wanted to see him. Meanwhile, every time he got near her, she ran off. It was quite funny. He still had a good time and came home utterly exhausted.
Well, that's about it for now. Hope you're all doing well.
Are there doggie dentists? Do they work on humans too? If so, me and a schnauzer could get root canal at the same time.
8:08 PM
Before you know it, Rocky will be ready to run up those art museum steps!
Good to hear you didn't have to dish out a buttload for his dental work. I wonder why the vet near you set that? That's like the cosmetic dentist who saw me in Atlanta and wanted to perform unnecessary dental work for $1,500!
I think I went to the Mohegan Sun casino. Either/or, I lost whatever I spent, lol. Not like that woman who won $4,800 2 seconds after we arrived in Vegas, huh?!
8:12 PM
I'm thinking of getting my kids microchipped. To make games of hide and seek easier...
3:37 AM
Perfect time for a vacation--I'm glad you had a great time with your mom. :)
11:10 AM
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