Deep Thoughts Part 2
While I still haven't met the perfect man from my previous post, I have discovered that we're not of the same religion. While I was hoping to meet someone of the same faith, I am accepting of this flaw.
I like to call his not being the same religion a flaw, even though deep down I know it's not. The reason that I want to call it a flaw is because he seems perfect for me in so many ways and I feel as though I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know that this isn't how I should feel or what I should be thinking, so I decided to make his not being of the same religion his flaw. However, this flaw, unlike others, I can live with and don't forsee it as being a problem.
There are several flaws that I refuse to accept, for example, someone who is not a pet person, that is a huge flaw and I won't even respond to someone who doesn't like pets. Come on, who doesn't like pets? What else don't they like, children??
Anyway, I know that no one is perfect, well no one except for me and my friends, so I am willing to accept this man and his religious flaw. Anyway, I will keep you updated...I think that the big day is only two days away!!
Go to your date with an open mind my friend. Unless religion is a "deal breaker" then just see what happens. You guys can worry about this stuff on date #2 :-)
6:37 PM
Yeah. If you like him already, things should be fine. But think about your children. If your faith doesn't bother you are your children going to be raised?
If he doesn't mind, that means he isn't firm in his faith. take it as you will, but that worries me. And then there is the other way-he wouldn't allow his children any other religion BUT his. Then what?
If you are deep in your faith, and your convictions are true-then you two may have problems.
But on the first date, do not think of such things! Meet him. Talk to him. Keep pepper spray at all times, and if he gets fresh with your massive mammary glands, kick him. Not just for you, but for me too. ;) Good luck sweetie. I'm hoping for you!
8:44 PM
Yeah, and he can always convert!
So happy you've found a man who truly shows you not all of them are asswipes. That alone is reason to rock his world.
Have fun, baby!
9:20 AM
Good post. Just passing through, cool blog by the way.
11:13 AM
Leave, delete the last poster. It's blog spam. That's why I added the "letter" business at my blog.
As far as religion goes, if it wasn't a big deal to me I would have been married by now. But each person is different.
Good luck tomorrow.
6:50 PM
Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst and have yourself a great great time.
8:08 AM
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