Monday, May 01, 2006

Holy Scary Shit Batman!!

Tomorrow night I'm babysitting for my niece and nephew while my sister in law has an MRI. Her doctor thinks that she had a stroke. She's 34. Hence the title, Holy Scary Shit Batman!!

Unfortunately, strokes run in her family, so does high blood pressure, which she also has. She's already had a CAT scan, next is the MRI. Hopefully this all turns out to be nothing. I just thought that I would ask for some extra thoughts and prayers until we find out the results of the MRI.

Once again the moral of the story is treasure those you love as you never know when they might be taken from you. Over the weekend we got to see cousins that we haven't seen in years. One of my cousins lost her husband, he was 40, he had a stroke while he was driving and crashed his car into a tree and died on the scene. His little girl was 6. Life can be so cruel.


Blogger Trouble said...

The precautions your sister is taking right now may save her life. My prayers are with you and your whole family, baby, and best wishes for everyone's continued good health.

7:22 AM

Blogger Michelle Flaherty said...

Holy shit is right! You can never be too safe in getting tests done even if it turns up nothing and I hope that's the case. I'm keeping everything crossed for her and your family.

7:25 AM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

Thank you both very much!! Your thoughts and well wishes mean so much to me!! I will post an update when I have one.

2:25 PM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

I hope she is all right sweetie.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

5:15 AM


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