Wednesday, May 31, 2006



That's his new name. He responds to it and well, it was suggested by three people, so here he is. Also, it sounds like Smokey so that works out well.

How precious is he?

Thank you all for your suggestions.


Blogger marty said...

Howabout his middle name. Irving?

12:02 PM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

Lol Miki. He's 15 weeks. He is just so precious. Smokey is a really good dog, but not overly cuddly, he never was, Rocky is uber cuddly. He was actually watching TV with me last night.

4:29 AM

Blogger DutchBitch said...


5:26 AM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

Welcome to Blog Land Rocky!!!

He is absolutely adorable :-)

6:44 AM

Blogger Michelle Flaherty said...

You'll have to get him into all the Rocky movies now. Make sure he pays special attention to the 2nd one, lol. Someday Leave, we'll meet in Philly and I'll take pictures of you jogging through the Italian Market (the scene where Rocky jogs with trash lining each sides of the street) and I'll take a picture of you jogging up the art museum steps. Then I'll take you to the stadium to pose next to the Rocky statue.

3:27 PM

Blogger ab said...

He is adorable! Did you adopt or pay for him?

My 'Thena girl (Athena) passed a year and a half ago (wow) and I am paying a visit to my local animal shelter this weekend to take a look around.

I need a new doggie.

7:06 PM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

Thanks Stephanie and welcome!! I bought him from a breeder connection. I was trying to adopt but around here they have a shortage of dogs, which is awesome, but not good for me. My dobie passed in March and I had adopted him from I love my two boys.

7:08 PM

Blogger Joe said...

See my blog on Sparky. I am dog sitting for a week...maybe you could give me some tips :)

7:59 PM


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