This and That
I've been randomly going around and reading different people's blogs. I've read blogs for people that have read mine and other random blogs that I have come across.
I noticed that some people read other people's blogs and then criticize them on their own blogs. What gives other people the right to think that they can take other peoples issues, concerns, sadness, hardships, etc. and just trivialize them and critique them? Don't these people have lives or better things to do with their time? I know that I sure do.
My main point is that these blogs belong to the people that write them and they have every right to write about whatever the hell they want without having other people judge them. No one has the right to trivialize other people's lives. I read a blog by a woman who just had her third miscarriage in a row. This poor woman, I can't even imagine what she's going through and my heart broke for her. Yes, she chose to write about something sad, some people would have you believe that she's looking for attention, I just think that she is trying to deal with her pain.
I think that if you don't like what someone has to say on their blog, then don't read it. Just mind your own business, or get a life.
Ok, that's my rant for today. Other than that, I'm glad that it's Friday. This week ended a lot better than it started and I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend, well aside from my homework.
I agree Leave, I think it is very rude. Unfair too. I regularly visit certain blogs that I enjoy or touch me in some way. And hopefully people visit mine for the same reasons. No one likes being sneered at, (and it's really "brave" um not, to poke fun at someone behind an alias and a keyboard.)
5:25 AM
Nice rant baby!
10:58 AM
Thank you Wade!
11:41 AM
I w/b flattered if people referenced my blog. It is just another vehicle for me to get even more attention.
I don't even care what they say, it's the fact that they're paying attention to me.
6:24 PM
What in the Hell was that all about?
Here's a thought: sticks and stones
Here's some humor: Do you like apples? How about I put my foot up your ass, how about them apples?
Anyway, my sweet jiggler, let it roll off you. You're doing great, don't let anything get you down.
9:55 AM
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