Unfortunately, I live close to the river front and that's where they let off the fireworks, I can see them from my apartment and hear them very well.
However, my poor Smokey is terrified of them. I think that this is one of those times that he really misses Zeke. Zeke wasn't afraid of anything. He would bark and growl at the fireworks and so would Smokey. Now that Smokey doesn't have Zeke here to show him that it's nothing to be afraid of, he's terrified.
So I'm sitting here typing when all of a sudden a 32lb fluffball lands on my lap and retypes my post. I asked him to move, he laid down on me. So, I picked him up and moved him, one of the benefits of him being so small and he decided that the safest place to lay was on my pillows. Ordinarily, I would throw a fit, but considering he's so cute and so sweet and so scared I let it slide.
Smokey sleeps on my bed when I'm not home, so I have placed an extra blanket over my real blanket for him to sleep on. I'm such a good doggie mom. I feel so bad when animals get scared. I tried to reassure him, but he doesn't get it. He just follows me around wimpering. What makes me feel worse is that this didn't happen when Zeke was alive.
I think there is something else this guy needs to unload.
6:20 AM
I bet if you bring the new puppy into your home, Smokey will become the protector ... lol, well maybe.
p.s. I love fireworks, especially the white ones that keep changing and go on forever ... I ohhhh and aaaaw and ooooh and just love them.
Happy Memorial Day xo
8:08 AM
I remember when I went to the Humane Society to pick up our new cat and there were all these people in there looking for their dogs who had gotten scared and run away on July 4th from the noise of the fireworks. One woman was so fed up and yelled at all the people "This is why the news tells you EVERY year to bring your dogs inside!". Some pet owners really don't have a clue!
12:49 PM
Ally is scared of fireworks too. She never used to be afraid of thunderstorms until we had a really loud BOOMING one. Now she is a nervous wreck. I hate it when she is so scared and I can't reassure her it will be fine, now matter what I do.
6:04 AM
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