Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wow Look At Me Blog

I can hardly keep up with myself. I know most of you blog everyday, sometimes several times during the day and I don't. But lately, I've been blogging way more than usual. I think it's finally happened, I have worse than no life. Just kidding.

I think that the blog gates have opened since my therapist (in our very first session) told me to let it out and write it down, whatever "it" may be. I knew I liked her for the get go.

So, another freak contacted me and asked if I would like to get together tomorrow and have sex. I declined. Then I told him that my life would probably be a lot happier if I was the type to just have random sexual encounters, but deep down I know that's not true. Although, it's hard to believe that over my screaming hormones.

I'm so sick of these freaky ass men. Honestly, and then I find one that seems to be a good one, and well, look what happens.

Anyway, what's new this week, I told off my father and my ex, so I can cross those off the list. I took my dog to the vet and he has an ear infection and he needs to have dental work. He's also going to be 10, this is especially hard for me this year because Zeke died at 10. So, I'm having a very hard time. I'm sure he will be fine, he's in much better health (that's me knocking wood) but still I worry. Besides, they have to put him under when they do his dental and there's always the (gulp) chance....ok, I'm not even going to finish that sentence, please don't anyone else either.

Anyway, that's about it. I'll check back in when something else occurs to me. Actually, I just thought of something, my therapist told me to call her in between appointments if I needed to and in my infinite wisdom, I said, NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm fine. I've wanted to call almost everyday. But I haven't. I can wait another week. See, it's all good here.


Blogger DutchBitch said...

G-O-O-D F-O-R Y-O-U!!! You should be proud of yourself! Mwah!

10:58 AM

Blogger marty said...

I think blogging is therapeutic

Sigmund Marty

1:31 PM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

Sometimes telling people off with is a good thing. Especially those who have deserved it for a while.

6:21 AM


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