Thursday, May 18, 2006

This Post Brought To You By The Letter "G"

Mr. Fabulous assigned me the letter "G" and I haven't yet played along. So here are my 10 things that start with the letter "G". Let me know if you want to play along too.

Gross- I seem to use this word alot. I get grossed out quite easily.

Green- I love the way a nice dark green lawn looks and smells when it's been freshly mowed.

Gary- I've never met anyone with that name.

Germs- I have to admit that I'm somewhat of a germophobe. I wash my hands alot.

Guys- I'll never understand them and I seem to have a love/hate relationship.

Grapes- I love grapes. They make such a great snack. But not the seeded ones.

Gekko- I dislike lizards, even the ones that talk with a lisp on TV.

Greek- I am Greek. I don't speak a word of it. Greek men can be very hot.

Grace and Will- Yeah I know it's backwards, shut up it's my blog. I LOVE this show.

Greedy- I hate greedy people and unfortunately, we live in a very greedy society.

And there you have it. The letter "G".