Name That Puppy

Ok, I brought the puppy home and now for the tough part, he needs a name. Please everyone post your suggestion for a name and I will pick the top three and then have everyone vote for their favorite. I'm very bad at naming pets, so please give it your best shot and please, no swear words!!
Thanks!! I look forward to reading your submissions.
He's Jake
1:46 PM
I was thinking Snickers. My mom thinks he should have a big name because he's so little. He's only 5lbs.
1:51 PM
Leave I can't believe you! How did you not even think to name him "Rocky" after your favorite movie? Furthermore, he reminds me of that character Rocky Raccoon (wait...there was a Rocky Raccoon, wasn't there?!) and he's got that little raccoon-looking face.
2:55 PM
Forget the name, I want to know what your other doggie thinks of him. I bet he's jealous, but secretly happy he has a new pal to pick on. :)
3:14 PM
It's between Shmuck and Marty.
I would like to share my name w/an animal. I could also get married and possibly achieve the same result if I'm not lucky.
4:19 PM
8:35 PM
He's a sheltie. He is so damn cute. He gets so excited when I take him out of his crate, he gets up on his hind legs and waves his front ones in the air. Smokey is not fond of him, not yet anyway.
My mom likes Rocky, Goliath, Snickerdoodle or Peanut.
2:38 AM
10:47 AM
He's absolutely precious by the way!
11:41 AM
I would say "Snuggles"
He is UltraMegaSuper Cute!
11:58 AM
This dog needs a strong name, not some little yucky pussy name.
Leave you can name him whatever you want, I'm just gonna' call him Rocky, lol.
12:39 AM
best regards, nice info » »
4:32 AM
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