Saturday, August 19, 2006

Guest Post #2

Thank you very much to Mr. Fab who did a guest post for me last week. This week's guest post is provided to you by Marty.

Without further ado!!

Nose picking

This is a subject near and dear to my heart or rather my nostrils.

Do you remember in school when certain kids in the class would acquire a reputation for their nose picking talents? I still remember this girl named Daphne who used to pick her nose and eat her find. Yes, it’s gross. But the memory is still there. Hopefully, she’s abandoned this habit and is happily married or in jail. Who knows what early nose picking can lead to? I’m not sure if there’s been studies about the future of grade school nose pickers and what the future holds for them.

How would you feel if your physician was a compulsive nose picker in grade school? Or what about the President of the United States? After that finger has been in his nostril onto the nucular (That’s the way he says it, sorry) bomb?

What’s scary is there are still some people in adulthood who are still compulsive nose pickers.

One of my bosses is so disgusting that not only does he pick his nose but he leaves his find on some of the tax forms that myself and others have to review. How do you handle this? Do you alert the managing partner that his partner is disgusting. In my case no. The reason being because both of these guys are equally disgusting but that’s a topic for another post.

How can you help prevent CPN (compulsive nose picking)? Please make a gift to your local CPN foundation. Hopefully, we can cure this within your lifetime.


Blogger DutchBitch said...

So? Nose picking is a NoNo over there? It is a national sport over here... Really... I think...

1:02 AM

Blogger The Histrionics of a Fat Housewife said...

My daughter proudly picks her noses and munches. It used to just KILL me until I looked it up. Do you realize that we all swallow over a QUART of snot a day? Just goes down the back of our throats. So... in the scheme of things, boogers - we all eat 'em.

But then she, my delightful daughter, began eating toe jam. This there is no excuse for.

There go her chances of becoming president.

5:15 AM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...


Just cut off their hands and be done with it.

4:55 PM

Blogger Michelle Flaherty said...

Come back Leave! You're missed!

2:29 AM


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