It's a great day to be alive!!
I got a new job within my company. I can't even tell you how happy this makes me. I got a job that is not sales related and I'm still with my company. I'm very happy.
Last night we celebrated my mom's birthday. We had a nice dinner and a lot of laughs. Unfortunately, they were all at my mother's expense. My poor mom. She gets her sayings mixed up and they always come out wrong. She was telling us what a wiz she has become with her texting. She told us that she even uses explanation points, commas and periods. We all erupted with laughter and then laughed even harder at the fact that she didn't know that they're actually called exclaimation points. It was too funny.
Also, I found a costume for Rocky. Tell me how cute is he? If you can't guess, he's Dracula.

Also, I love the fall. My one year old nephew says my name now, even though I've never heard him, my brother swears he says it. School is also going incredibly well.
Oh and I almost forgot, thank you Dutchie for reminding me that I had to take a picture of my TP that I won from Marty's contest. Here's the next best thing to a picture of me, my boys with the TP.

I hope that you are all doing fabulously well.
Is that a funny shaped Marty TP roll in the back of the picture or is that one of Rocky's bones?
Just asking... mine was kinda flatshaped (the TP roll)
11:32 AM
Oh! got kinda sidetracked: Congrats on the job OF COURSE and Rocky looks cute!
11:33 AM
All this good news!!! Congrats on your great new job - you deserve it! Yay Leave!!!!!!!
And Rocky is precious... I mean scary ;-)
4:05 PM
Congrats on the new job, Leave. Perhaps receipt of the TP roll has brought you good luck?
5:46 PM
Gratz on the new gig!
My mom says some pretty funny things too but she's pretty good with her cell phone. My dad on the other hand barely understands how to turn it on! LOL text messages would be out of the question!
Dogas make great Dracula's, it's the teeth! hehe
12:55 PM
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