It's been a crazy couple of weeks. The tapeworm is gone. Thankfully. Today I had a massage, awesome. School is crazy. I've been very busy. Last night I saw the movie Invincible, it was kind of long, but it was pretty good. Not as good as Little Miss Sunshine, but not bad.
I'm going to do something in October that I said I would never do. I'm going to dress one of my dog's in a Halloween costume. Now wait, hear me out on this one. Petsmart is having what they call Tricks for Treats on the Tuesday before Halloween. People get to dress up their pets and then the pets get treats for doing tricks. Hence the name, Tricks for Treats. I swore when I first got Smokey that I would never, ever dress my pets up. However, my sister in law is going to bring my niece and nephew down to see all the pets dressed up, so I decided that I would dress up ONE of my dogs. Although, I considered dressing up both of them, one as a devil and one as an angel. Smokey would be the angel and Rocky would be the devil.
However, I decided that if I'm going to dress up a dog, I'm only doing one and that will be Rocky. I'm going to dress him in a costume that is perfect for him. He's going to be a Bad Dog. Take a look. Cute huh?

Anyway, there isn't a whole lot else going on right now. Nothing new or exciting to report.
Any other suggestions for what I could dress Rocky up as for Halloween?
I think you should dress him AS Rocky, as in Rocky Balboa. Or perhaps as a kitty cat? Then the other dogs will laugh and chase him.
Sounds like you're busy but good. And that's great! :)
8:19 PM
Awwww, that's cute!
And I agree with Rocky going as Rocky per Tamara!
10:38 AM
Dress him up as the wrestler er actor, The Rock.
I don't believe, many dogs w/b dressed as pro wrestlers.
7:43 PM
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