Smokey And The Tapeworm
And no that's not the name of a children's book. Smokey has tapeworms. This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

Did I mention how gross this was? This is just so gross. I can hardly deal with it. I just feel so bad for Smokey. He's a trooper. He'll be just fine. However, I will be having nightmares about this disgusting things forever. Well, until the next gross thing comes along.
That's all I have to say on this topic. I promise not to be so gross next time.
Tape worm is no more disgusting than the fungus and thingies that are alive and growing under our fingernails :D
7:05 PM
Ewww Tamara. Thank you. Yucky.
3:36 AM
Just stick to your promise, Puh-lease!!! Eewwwww.. I am sorry for Smokey though.
11:19 AM
I hope Smokey is worm free soon.
6:00 AM
Please tell me more. Thanks.
10:48 AM
Miki that's the head of a tapeworm. Pretty disgusting isn't it?
3:56 AM
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