Monday, October 17, 2005

WHAT?? Speak Up!!

I had the freakiest dream last night. I woke up at 3 a.m. this morning after having a horrible nightmare. I dreamt that someone had broken into my house and when I went halfway down the stairs I could see him walk outside. I ran downstairs and locked the door behind him then took my little dog and called 911 from inside the closet.

I woke up in a sweat and scared stiff. I really thought that someone was in the house. So I laid in my bed scared to death to move, then I remembered that I have a doberman and a sheltie and if someone was in the house both dogs would have been going crazy.

So I got a home security system. I am feeling a litle bit safer. However, I accidentally set off the alarm and at 110 decibals I think I lost some of the hearing in one of my ears. Damn that was loud.

Anyway, I've lived in my house for 2 years and have never been scared which is why I can't believe I was so terrified last night.

I think that my fear may be as a result of all of the crazy things that have been happening lately. The two devasting hurricanes, the flooding, the 9 straight days of rain. I don't know what's going on with the world, but I'm not feeling very secure in this world right now.

Am I the only one feeling like this?


Blogger Trouble said...

No, you are not alone.

You have dogs and a security system, which any expert will tell you are the two deterrents that work best on intruders.

Sleep well, you are safe.

8:28 PM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

I am feeling much safer, well as long as I remember to set the damn thing.

The world does seem to have gone a little weird hasn't it?

2:59 AM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

Probably an anxiety or panic attack due to all the stress. We all go through it sometimes.

I'm glad you got the alarm though!!!

5:51 AM

Blogger marty said...

When I go to sleep, I always have a hand grenade and an AK-47 at the foot of my bed.

It's a good thing I don't sleepwalk.

7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »

10:59 PM


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