Thursday, February 16, 2006


I have some major news, well at least in my humble little world, it's major.

Two years ago I relocated to Connecticut when my job was moved. My company asked me to move and I said ok. I thought at the time, and I still think, that the move was a good idea. If I hadn't of moved, I wouldn't joined the online dating site and met many of you and I wouldn't have met my man.

Well all of my family is still in NH and I miss it up there. I miss my family, my niece and nephew and the familiarity of knowing where the hell I'm going. Well, for the last 6 months I've been checking the listings to see if I could find a job back up there.

Well, today it happened, I received a call offering me a job back in NH. I accepted. I have three weeks to pack up my belongings, sell my house and move to NH. The good news is that my brother owns apartment buildings and has some vacancies and is letting me move right in dirt cheap.

Now, here's the bad news. This is something that I have wanted for a very long time and ordinarily I would be bouncing out of my seat excited. However, this move means that I have to put my beloved Zeke to rest. Fortunately, he has just celebrated his 10th birthday and according to the vet, he has lived a long full life for a dog in his condition. Still, it doesn't make it any easier and he's just getting worse by the day.

It's so hard to be so excited and so sad all at once. My family on the other hand, is doing cartwheels because I'm coming home. Something tells me that these next three weeks are going to go by faster than I can possibly imagine.


Blogger Pragmatician said...

It is great news, being far from ones family is hard!

6:02 AM

Blogger Tamara said...

WOW--A few comments are in order.

1st--Sorry to hear about Zeke. Everything occurs for a reason, when the time is right. We've known Zeke has been holding out. I'm sorry you have to make this challenging and heartbreaking decision.

2nd--Will you be further from your "man"? I hope not! I want you to get closer, not further dammit!

3rd--Congrats on the job and on the fact that you don't have to worry about where to move right away. That will eliviate SO MUCH stress

4th--Good luck on the move, the re-acclimating and a new beginning.

5:08 PM

Blogger Leave It To Cleavage said...

Ok, everyone has asked and I think in my sadness I forgot to mention that this will actually put me closer to my man. I will not be closer to his work, which means I can meet him after work for dinner during the week or he can stay with me during the week as well. Also, he has friends and family closer to where I will be living so that will be good.

Thank you for your well wishes and your kind words.

Zeke has been hanging on and I've been holding onto him. I keep telling myself, he's ok, he's getting around. But now I'm asking myself, is he happy and I don't think that he is and I don't want him to be unhappy or to suffer. It's time to stop being selfish and lay him to rest.

5:46 PM

Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

Wow, big changes! Good for you on the job and move, I think it's awesome.

I'm so sorry about your sweet Zeke as well. I'm here if you want to talk...

And I'm so pleased you're gonna be close to your family and man, (geographically,) again.

Yay you!

4:46 AM

Blogger marty said...

Leave, this is your year!

May all continue positively.

5:49 AM


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