Thursday, February 08, 2007

Little Known Facts About Me

I am too tired to really post or to be thoughtful or funny at all. So, I thought that I would try to be entertaining and post some odds and ends facts about myself.

I take my puppy to daycare.
I weigh myself every single day obsessively
I randomly drop peanut butter on the floor as a treat for the dogs
I once stepped in the peanut butter that I threw on the floor, so I turned my shoe over and let the dogs clean it off. Ok, it wasn't a shoe, it was a slipper that has never been outside my apartment.
I once rode on an elephant at a circus
Every week I go grocery shopping in the "interesting" part of town and every week I get hit on by at least one random guy
I Tivo all of my shows, I haven't watched real TV in 2 months

I'm sure that there's more, but I can't think of anything now. I'm certainly not going to tag anyone, but I'd love to read some more of your quirks.


Blogger Unknown said...

define "random guy"

2:17 PM

Blogger DutchBitch said...

Are the "random guys" any good? Can I join you sometime?

8:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rode an elephant? Now THAT is cool. Seriously!

5:27 AM

Blogger marty said...

I am Random. Why r u guys talking about me?

7:11 PM

Blogger michael price said...

1- I collect cat wiskers in a ting antique blue bottle.

2-I can cry at movies but not in real life.

3- We LOVE Tivo too. We have 16 episodes of Everwood we have yet to watch.

4- I have a brain condition caled TLE. Michelangelo had it too.

Leave, you crack me up.

2:49 AM


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