Where O Where Is My Prince Charming???

Here I am thinking that I have paid my dues and that it's finally time for me to meet "the one." I mean after all, I dated someone that beat people up with baseball bats for money and when he wasn't doing that he was using me as a punching bad, I dated someone who cheated on me, I dated someone who abused me (but not too badly, comparatively speaking), I dated another guy that abused me this one was physically and verbally (this one did the most damage), I dated someone who got married while we were dating and failed to tell me because he didn't want me to leave him. I dated another guy who was really nice but annoyed the crap out of me yet I tried to make it work. Then I went out with another guy that just wanted to use me.
Finally, I met a guy that I really clicked with and I really liked, the first one in about 4 years. But do I get to live happily every after? NOOOOOOOO. This guy strung me along and ditched me every time he made plans with me. We went out 3 times in 8 months. The last time he ditched me was via an email and he never bothered to follow up with any kind of call or any other form of apology.
So now I'm feeling like I'm at a crossroads and trying to decide which path to take. Do I keep on trying and taking chances and hopefully meet "the one," or, do I give up on the idealogy of finding "the one" and just start humping every available man or, do I become a lesbian? Honestly, I don't know if one can become a lesbian, it may be something that you are just born to be, but I'm not sure and I'm not looking to debate that issue.
I really don't know what to do. I think for now I am giving up the search and will just let nature take its course. Please be sure to visit me though with my 50 dogs when I'm old and living in a mobile home. In fact, if anyone wants, I'll be happy to save the mobile home space next to my trailer for you!