It's that time again!! Turkey time!! For the last three years I have been going to my Brother's house for Thanksgiving. I always offer to help cook or to bring something and every year my sister in law tells me she will do everything if I keep my niece entertained. This year I had a new nephew so the answer was a very resounding, KEEP THE KIDS BUSY.
My niece is 3.5 years old and she gets funnier and funnier every time I see her. My nephew is only 5 months old, and he keeps getting bigger and cuter every time I see him. Now my niece has a rack obsession. But at her age, it's very funny. I was sitting on the couch and she leaned her head on me and gently rubbed her hand across my chest and told me that she loved me. Then I asked her what she was doing, she sat up, looked me right in the eye and said, "I'm honkin your boobies, HONK HONK."
I could not stop laughing. I could hear my sister in law hysterical in the other room. So watching the kids is going to be a lot of fun for me. The other great thing about this time of year is that I have the entire week off from work and I'm going to spend it spoiling my niece and nephew. I can't wait!!
Spending time with my niece and nephew is going to be wonderful, I truly consider it a vacation. The fact that it's Thanksgiving is just an added bonus. My two favorite foods are stuffing and the cranberry sauce that comes in the can. I don't even mind if it is still in the can shape.
So, I am leaving tomorrow probably and yes I am taking my laptop, but I do not intend on spending much time on it. So please don't be angry with me if I don't comment or visit your blog, I still love you, I'm just busy.
So here it is, my favorite Thanksgiving memory of all time. Picture my entire family sitting around the dinner table stuffing our faces. My cousin stands up, she must have been 4 or 5 at the time. She turns around, pulls her pants down slightly and yells "Half moon" then she pulls them totally down and yells, "FULL MOON!" Well, half the table erupts in laughter, while her parents mouths drop on the floor and her mother says, who taught you that, and the little brat points straight at me. I figured it was best not to deny it, but I did explain that her pjs had been falling down and her sister and I kept telling her that she had a half moon showing and then one time we yanked them and told her she had a full moon showing. Who knew she was going to do that? I have to say, it was and still is VERY FUNNY.
So, tell me, what is your favorite Thanksgiving memory, funny or otherwise.