I'm starting to think that perhaps I do not have PMS, but that I'm just a bitch. If you value your life you will not agree with me on this. I'm feeling enraged, murderous and several other things that I cannot express right now.
My ex called yesterday, I don't know why, I didn't answer the phone, nor did I call him back. Score one for me. One of these days he will leave me the hell alone.
Today my psycho electrician showed up, finally. In case you didn't know, my entire apartment runs on one circuit. That's right, one. Which means that the circuit trips. Often. Oh yeah and I live on the third floor of a walk up and the circuit breaker is in the basement which means that every time the circuit trips, which is at least 3 times a day, I have to go down 4 flights of stairs to turn it back on and then back up 4 flights. Also, my apartment is like 200 degrees, which means that I pour sweat just standing still. So, as you can see, I'm having a lot of fun. Oh and my puppy is doing very well with his housebreaking. So well that he wakes up at 3 in the morning because he really has to go out.
Okay, back to the psycho electrician. He shows up this morning right before I left for work. He asked me to show him the different areas of the apartment where he should add a circuit. I show him. As we're walking around Rocky barked at him. The man turns to me and says, are they going to bark the whole time? I said, I don't know, I don't think so. He says, I'm not doing the work if they're going to bark. I just stand there with my mouth hanging open. So I say, if it's a problem, call the property manager and she will call me and I will come get them out of the apartment. OMG. Then he says, your brother owns the building right? I say right, he says, if the dogs bark at me, I'm going to charge him double. I was like, WTF??? You're kidding me right? So, I repeat the above statement about calling me to take care of things. What a pain in my fucking ass.
Then I come home and the asshole broke my one and only and absolutely favorite coffee mug. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Rage is swelling, anger rising. I was so busy being upset over the coffee mug that I didn't take the dogs outside right away and Rocky took a really nice big piss on the floor in front of me. RRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I am not a happy camper. Thank G-d I have therapy tomorrow. I can't take it anymore.
Ok, truth is that I'm getting my "friend" in 2 weeks, but I am starting to think that it's not PMS after all, but just that I'm a bitch and I'm in a very foul mood. My sister in law said I'm just cranky and I ripped off both her arms and beat her with them. I have no idea why she would say that I'm cranky.